Why you can trust the company Bineli?

You are safe with Bineli!

  1. You can check the registration of our company Bineli if you compare the Impressum on our website with information in the business register Germany Bundesanzeiger Verlag.
  2. You can call us on phone number on our website or visit us in the office at Beethovenstraße 14, 22083 Hamburg - we are real people.
  3. Compare the records in the Impressum and in our e-mails and invoices.
  4. Speak with us and convince yourself of our professionalism.
  5. We do this business since 2012 and have the good image in many registry offices and by agency of family low in Denmark.
  6. We arrange more than 200 marriages every year!
  7. Look in our reviews in german and russian.